what is my vehicle?, 2023–ongoing

glassine paper, packing tape, laser print, ink
6.25 x 6.25 x 11.5 feet (1.9 x 1.9 x 3.43 meters)

A series of conversations unfold in a moving car with invited participants. I remove time constraints and the destination. Without anticipating arrival, passengers fully inhabited the present moment, creating a shared space to explore thoughts often obscured by the pragmatic demands of daily life. The memory of these car rides is anchored by a physical artifact: layers of packing tape collecting traces of residue from the car tires, like a reverse frottage. Over time, this transformed into an audio recording, where participants revisit and reflect on their experiences 100 days after. Propelled by the car’s motion, we ponder: in this dérive, are we truly moving forward or merely traveling toward an undefined somewhere?




Reflecting on what is my vehicle?