

Julia Carp

The Empathy Fortress, 2023
Yarn & PVC

This Empathy Fortress is a nomadic piece of architecture that creates space for rest and play in otherwise fast-paced environments. The concept began as a fascination with interactive art installations. It was first modeled with wire, and then many months later it was fabricated into multiple large scale, structurally sound, tactile yarn-wrapped cubes. Ever since, the Empathy Fortresses have been traveling through exhibitions and around campus, sparking joy and curiosity from students and faculty. The modality of weaving represents the connectivity between people and things despite time and space.

Hayden Stern

Bouquet, 2023
single-channel video projection

My work explores the social and sensory experiences of fatness. The fat body is often seen as unhealthy, unnatural, and immoral. I engage in a sensory exploration of processed food, a material that is also cast with these negative attributes. The video frame juxtaposes my body and the processed foods with lush organic matter, troubling the dichotomy of natural/unnatural. I ask the viewer to move beyond disgust and into a place of sensory play, while building a sonic and visual space that creates room for intimacy, humor, and desire.


Jean Li

Grow, 2023
inkjet print, planter pot, grass seeds

Inspired by the process of planting and waiting, In this work I captures the growth and transformation through the simple act of planting a seed. The composition comprises a photograph and a planter pot, inviting viewers to contemplate the process of life taking root and flourishing. I want the audience to see the grass sowing and growing, witnessing the tender blades emerge and evolve, which symbolizing resilience, hope, and the cyclical nature of life.

Through this artwork, the I want people to reflect on the inherent in every step of the process towards growth, reminding that everything can lead to remarkable transformations.

Mina Hung

SEE | SEA, 2023
glossy print

The color and texture of water are being emphasized in this work. The way six images lined up presents its variations and flexibility. The idea is to focus on the details of water, the essential substance in our daily life. Its capability and tenderness are the key to express my appreciation.


Sarah Kelly, E. Hadley Masiel, Lara Searcy

Untitled, 2023
yarn, wood, aluminium wire


Growing Out of the Establishment