Growing Out of the Establishment

Growing out of the Establishment

November 29, 2023
Our Playground
Seattle, WA

Curated by Rosaline Dou and Megan Lam
Images: Megan Lam

Coexistence means the state or fact of living or existing at the same time or place, which indicates a shared, equal peace within the coexistence. Coexistence can be explored as the resilience of nature, observing how it reclaims space even as humans disrupt its environment. Acknowledging the shared yet skewed landscape we live in, we raise pertinent questions about the entities and mechanisms responsible for shaping our natural and built environments—growing out of the establishment. The term “establishment” here is intentionally left ambiguous, inviting interpretations ranging from urban cities to societal institutions, and encompassing both micro and macro perspectives.

We constructed a physical roadmaps leading the visitors through a conceptual roadmap of artists in different stages navigating systems of establishment: confronting the crisis, finding moments of solace amidst turmoil, and finally, engaging with the conflict through a dual commitment to advocacy and achieving a harmonious balance. This roadmap is also a means to foster group engagement. Different colors of the map are designed to pair up visitors, encouraging them to experience the exhibition collaboratively.


Zeiva Fernandez

waiting, 2023

Borrowing from Faith Wilding’s performance in the feminist collaborative Womanhouse installation of the early 1970’s, repetitive text is used to evoke the emotional weight of anticipatory feelings that often follow an unrealized desire to break out or break away from established systems and structures for the pursuit of one’s self-actualization. Easily influenced by light or movement, the translucency of the materials physically represent the suggestibility and sense of untethered buoyancy that many experience while breaking away from structures and ideals that once defined who and what they are.

Tahja Henderson

CALL NOW, 2023
crochet, wood, spraypaint
Signage is something that grabs one’s attention, either calling them to halt in their steps or guiding them further onto their path. The words on the sign tell you to call someone, but not who; it tells you things will change, but not how.

Angel Fern, 2023
hand-twisted wire
Inspired by the infinite eyes of angels as well as naturally celestial qualities of the blue star fern. This piece mimics the fronds of the fern and continues the smooth form to create large hands reaching for the viewer. The combination of the two highlights the idea of finding sanctity in nature, an idea instilled in me by my mom growing up.

Kort Maeda

Restoring Reciprocity, 2023
Mixed media, gelatin silver prints

My work explores the changing relationships between humans, spaces of nature, and the built environment in Seattle on the unceded lands of the Duwamish. What does it mean to be in right relationship with the land? What responsibilities do we have as settlers of the land to envision a future of reciprocity? The act of reciprocity is a chance for us to reassess how we interact with our surroundings. It is a chance for us to recenter our thinking, shifting away from being separate from nature to being interwoven with the land, cycles, and histories. My work explores how we can build resilience in our communities and individual lives by reassessing our perception of nature and relationship with the built environment. In taking care of one another, we become gentle caretakers of the land and its stories.

Tien Cao

Ephemeral Wings of Rust: Echoes of the Fallen Angel, 2023
13x17 inches inkjet print

In the chaotic symphony of urban structures, where steel, and concrete stand as modern monoliths, I explore the delicate dance between humanity and nature within this seemingly impenetrable landscape. My artistic journey delves into the narrative of the fallen angel, a symbolic representation of our disconnect from the natural world, juxtaposed against the backdrop of abandoned urban spaces and replicating my recurring dreams.



