


February 28, 2024
Our Playground
Seattle, WA

“Recent social developments and the structural change of wakefulness are bringing human society deeper and deeper into the wilderness.” — Byung-Chul Han

Staying awake at unusual hours becomes the starting point for this exhibition, inspired by the frustration of limited duration due to administrative concerns for outdoor displays. We must remain vigilant, guarding the artworks throughout the night. This open-to-interpretation exhibition accumulates vigil shrines through ceremonial watchfulness. Are we staying awake? Are we immersed in our contemplative thinking?

Curated by Rosaline Dou, Zeiva Fernandez, Megan Lam
Curatorial Statement: Rosaline Dou
Poster Design: Rosaline Dou
Programming Design: Zeiva Fernandez & Megan Lam
Images: Rosaline Dou


Interstice & interfoliar


Growing Out of the Establishment